Stacked Stone Accent Walls
Stacked Stone Accent Walls
Do you have a powder bathroom or kitchen wall that is blank? Maybe a fireplace wall that is huge and boring? One great idea is to use stacked stones to create a focal wall in that room. Stackstone comes in various colors and materials. One of our favorite is quartzite stackstone. Below are some of the variations of stackstone that are on the market today.

Fireplace walls are a great place to use stackstone. Usually these walls are terribly tall and bland. If you add stackstone it will bring the eye towards that wall and fireplace in the room creating a dramatic effect. Changing out the mantle at the time of install creates a whole new look for your family room.

Stackstone can be used in other rooms of your home as well. Above is a classic traditional dining room. With the addition of a stackstone wall the room comes together to create a visually pleasing touch.

Do you have one of those giant blank walls in your home that you have never been able to find the right piece of art, mirror or paint color to make that room come together? Try stackstone! Stackstone takes a boring ordinary wall and creates a beautiful focal point in your home.

Blythe Strait
SCM Design Group
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